Last Call Round 30 Preorder October 29, 2016 19:00

If you needed some more inspiration, here's a few more outfits made by our awesome Strike off team!

How adorable is this hoodie from Patchwork Patootie in Doodle Pirate?

Shelby Cole made a rocking tank from the Mermaid Panel, showing that us grown ups can pull off these prints too!

Kristy Tourjee used two panels, the Octo for the front, and the Pirate ship for a sleeve.

Lastly we have Totally Tootsies putting the Octo panel front and center!

The other two designs strike offs took longer than we thought, but we'll have some amazing inspiration sewn up to make you all wish you ordered more!
Again, Pre-order closes October 31st. So don't miss out!